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To search through our database,
please enter the information for the book you would like
to search in the search table on the left, and a list
of books that match your entries will be displayed.
If you know the correct
ISBN of the book you are looking for, it will absolutely
be the correct book. If your professor or syllabus tells
you the ISBN of a book to buy, search for that ISBN because
it will always be right. If you are confused about the
exact edition, title, or author of your book, get the correct
ISBN number.
The more information you
have to enter for the book you are looking for, the more
accurate the search results will be, although even if
you only have part of a name, the search will display
all matching books.
1. Keep your first search as simple as possible
ie. If looking for "Economics for South African Students", then enter only the single word "economics" in the title field and leave all other fields blank. This keeps the search broad and comprehensive. It ensures typing errors and abbreviated inputs do not cause valid results to be missed. If the results list is too long, you can then restrict the next search.
2. Be aware that specifying more than one word for the title or author will treat it as a phrase and not two separate words to be found.
ie. "economics for" would narrow the search for (1) above. But "economics students" would give zero results.
3. When searching on authors, enter only one single word being one Last Name. This is also to ensure more comprehensive results. ie. "potgieter" or "potgiet" should suffice.
4. If you would like to browse through all books listed, just hit the search button while leaving all fields blank and a list of all books in our database will be displayed.

ISBN stands for International
Standard Book Number. It's a 10-digit number used for identification.
Every book has its’ own unique ISBN number. You can
find the ISBN number labeled on the back cover of a book,
right near the bar code. It's also inside near the copyright
information. |